I came to see Corinne at a very challenging time in my life. Trying to find the right person that could help me with the impossible task at hand!  Trying to get rid of the bad/evil spirit that was following me around!  I just couldn't transition over to the other side of the positive loving life force.  Corinne helped me become aware of all of the loving wonderful Angels that were right there with me the entire time. I just needed to ask for guidance and LOVE!  Corinne showed me how I could find the strength to move past the unloving side of a very evil situation and bring my warrior side out to protect my soul. I had a very loving spiritual encounter that Corinne guided me through on the side of a river in North Lake where I felt the calmness come back in my soul!   Corinne helped my child find his voice as well! I am very grateful for her love, support and amazing gift! Thank you Corinne! Karin V.

To Whom It May Concern,


The purpose of this letter of commendation is to let people know what a Godsend Ms. Lillie has been to me. Through her incredible work, Corinne has given me the unique qualities of peace, trust, honor, and most importantly forgiveness.


Ms. Lillie, connected with my loved ones and brought a new meaning to my soul and, ultimately, my life. She has the ability to connect with loved ones who have died and give you the answers you are seeking, while healing your body and soul at the same time.


It is such a remarkable experience to anyone who has the privilege to work with Corinne in allowing her to connect with her Angels, in order to help you. She has given me the priceless gift to look no further than my heart to find the answers. Without hesitation, I would recommend Ms. Lillie to anyone who has suffered a loss and experience the true healing gift she possesses.


Before I had my first appointment with Corinne, I had suffered the devastating loss of my father. With her abilities, I was able to connect with my dad and know that he was doing really well. Ms. Lillie described what his role in Heaven was and that he was truly happy. She also helped me to understand that he was always with me. With her help, I was finally able to heal.


There are no words to express my appreciation for Corinne.





I’ve known Corinne Lille since we brought up our children together in the same community, but lost touch as the kids went to different schools.  After losing my eldest son, we were divinely reconnected.  I learned, she had the gift to channel my  son.  Corinne with her professionalism, grace and divine purpose has brought comfort and knowledge to me that I would have never come to known.  I’m very grateful for Corinne and her gift, which she uses for the highest and best for all not only in our world, but those who have passed.

Forever grateful!  Susie



I was so thrilled to have found Corinne after having suffered from bodily pain that I could not explain. She helped me to see energetically what was occurring. As well, having her come to my home to ensure it was clear of any unwanted energies and to also check in with my cat that was helping me through this intense phase was very helpful and reassuring. I appreciated hearing that the ascended masters and archangels were always with me.  KV



Learning about Corinne and her work helped me regain my sanity. I got to the point where I was living in fear, not getting any sleep, and literally feeling like an absolute crazy person. I couldn't decipher between what was real and what was not. When Corinne came over, she instantly made me feel safe and secure. She opened my eyes to a whole new world-although not one I want to be a part of, and helped me reclaim my home by getting rid of "unwanted guests." Corinne continued to help me when I still experienced fear, and with her guidance, I am able to live without entities coming into my space, and have the confidence to reclaim my life as I like it. I have recommended her to others and found her work to be effective. VI

My experience with the work of Corinne Lillie has been an incredible blessing for me on my personal journey of growth and transformation. She is a clear and reliable access point to the Angelic Host, as well as the other countless Divine beings and representatives of the Light. This is special because she has the capacity to contact the personal divine in one's heart, as well as ancestors and familial relations living or passed. Her gift seems to have no boundaries, as she has helped me in a myriad of ways: communication and healing with my beloved dog (Choyo), the suicide of my father, the incredible evolution of my relationship with my partner, and especially in communication with the divine being's that are guiding me on my personal journey. Corinne is a channel and connection to truth on levels that each of us sometimes need help communing with, or simply reaffirmation of. She has been a gift to me and many others I know, and her work is one of a kind.  Matthew Lundbeck



Corinne Lillie is a rare gift to this world, she has the ability to provide information about deceased loved ones that truly help one heal through knowledge that only the deceased possess. Corinne is patient and sympathetic. She ‘cradles’ one through the ‘readings’ with sensitivity and consideration for all involved. For the grief stricken the information provided by Corinne is priceless and will provide answers that will accelerate the healing process. Corinne can ‘look’ through the ‘veil’ to the ‘other kingdom’ and offer a path for spiritual health and well-being. Besides human beings Corinne is also especially connected with the animals that are currently in our lives and with those precious animals that have passed on.  As an additional bonus Corinne provides a CD of the sessions for future reference. I would recommend Corinne Lillie to anyone needing answers to questions that involve the deceased or to pet owners puzzled by pet behaviors that are troubling. Corinne Lillie truly is a living angel. Deni de Lappe



I have been struggling with anger issues most of my adult life. About a year ago, my anger had almost destroyed my family. Prior to Corinne, I had being seeing a wonderful therapist who was able to explain to me where the anger was coming from, but he was not able to help me to release it. The work that I have done with Corinne is amazing. She has helped me to release the anger from my body. Instead of walking around irritated and angry, I am now smiling, laughing, enjoying my husband, my children and my life. Corinne is a gifted spiritually guided healer. The work that I have done with her has shown me that there is a powerful source of love and energy out there to help us. All we have to do is open our hearts. V.S.




I had my first session with Corinne back in the summer of 2011. I found her to be very compassionate and caring, along with being extremely intuitive.  Since then she has become one of my dearest friends and has helped me through several tough situations. Corinne is truly an angel, and I feel blessed to have her in my life. Susan G

Corinne gave me clarity that my "Precious Loved One" is safe and surrounded in a peaceful loving atmosphere in his "Spirit Transition." This clarity helped to calm my wounded mother's heart, helped me along in my grief and healing process, as well as showed me there's a way to have a relationship with my son, even in his physical death. G.S.B.



Corinne Lillie is an amazing angel. She not only helped me to see that I can trust my own intuition, but also helped me heal from the unexpected loss of a loved one.  After working with Corinne, I am no longer afraid of death, because I know without a doubt, that our spirits really do live on.  Her channeling ability proved to be true.  She has brought a profound sense of peace into my life with her integrity, her compassion and her ready laughter. ~ Kira Catanzaro



All I can say is that Corinne has literally saved my life.  Her courage and ability to put her personality aside to allow a higher truth to speak are unequaled in my experience.  I know I would have fallen prey to old patterns to a devastating end without the words of our loving guides as they come through this remarkable woman.

Thank you, Corinne. Gwendalyn Gilliam



I always enjoy my conversations, sessions with Corinne.  Her clarity and insight about my friends (human and animal) always give me practical understanding and great comfort. Sherry G.



Corinne has always been helpful in answering my questions whether they are personal or general. I appreciate her loving approach in showing me the “bigger picture” in our sessions. Ariana



Corinne is a very special and gifted person.  When you first meet her her big, beautiful smile puts you at ease immediately.  And then you are in for an amazing experience.  She has changed my life, helped me through some rough spots, and given me the ability to travel with ease and comfort for the first time in my life.   I am so thankful for finding her and the time I have been able to spend with her.  Looking into past lives can help make sense out of the hard and painful experiences in your current life.  I recommend seeking her and unraveling your mysteries!  She is truly a God given blessing! Pam S.




I treasure Corinne for her help and the empathy she shared with our family. We were devastated by our son’s passing almost two years ago. I could hardly breathe and was surrounded with chaos and blackness. Corinne was able to help me feel Steve again and calm myself enough to live. Pam

I started working w Corinne a year ago and it has changed my life completely. Corinne is a rare find and a spectacular person. The world of paranormal can bring such doubt. Corinne has taught me to trust; trust her and myself. I have learned so much about myself from her and become so much stronger. She has such a special gift and is beyond insightful. I know that she will be in my life for many years to come. Leslie B



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