Spirit Communication

It is such an honor and privilege to facilitate communication and connection between my client and their loved one(s) and hopefully, this connection may bring about healing. A large part of my work is spirit communication. As I said, it is an honor to work with my clients who are experiencing grief and loss. Anyone who has experienced loss knows how debilitating the grief can be. A wonderful book and resource is Healing Grief by James Van Praagh. I have witnessed healing take place when a client is able to hear a message from their transitioned loved one. It is beautiful to witness what happens when their loved one speaks something that validates I am communicating with their departed loved one. What I do know is there is no separation; the soul of their loved one is very much present. Of course the physical body is not present but the soul is present, even when they are not in a session with me. There is no separation as the soul still connects with those still in in their physical body. Love connects us.


There are many ways a departed soul can let you know they are present. You may smell a fragrance. I used to smell the perfume my mother used to wear and I knew my mother was present. A mother leaves pennies for her daughter. I know we all see pennies on the ground. But these pennies would be in completely bizarre places in her home. Another client has a teddy bear that makes sound, and goes off when there transitioned son is present. There are many signs our loved ones are around us and too numerous to detail here as they can be very personal and specific to the individuals.




Another aspect of my work that I feel so blessed to be a part of is to assist people with their transition from this life to one of spirit. I do not call the transition death. Only the physical body dies; the soul remains very much alive. It is truly an honor to witness what can be such a beautiful journey from this life to a return to our heavenly home. What I have seen over and over is no one leaves their physical body through death alone. There are loved ones who have already transitioned who come to the side of the one transitioning. Often the person dying sees their departed loved ones. See My Personal Transition Story. Angels are always present to ease the transition for the one leaving their physical body. There is a beautiful book by Dr. John Lerma called Into the Light. Dr. Lerma is a hospice doctor who has witnessed his patient’s transition and he shares the beautiful journey of some of his patients.


It is a passion of mine to ease the fear of death that many in our society experience. As I have said, I have been privileged to witness transition and I see the transition as a beautiful return home. Our soul is eternal and our earthly home is temporary. We are here for a time whether it is short or long. I have seen the other side or heaven and it is beyond description. There are no words to describe the love, beauty, serenity that awaits us.



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