Spirit Communication with loved ones who have transitioned. Please see section on Grief and Loss and Personal Death Transition Story

Angel and Ascended Master Readings. I communicate with the angels and ascended masters on your behalf. I channel at my computer prior to your session and type word for word whatever message the angels and ascended masters have for you. I will also provide the name of your guardian angel. Then we meet or have our call or Skype and discuss the angel and ascended master reading. The angels and masters always come through during the session. I then provide you with written information about the angels and ascended masters who came through for you.


Past Life Regression and Readings. I facilitate past life regression sessions in which I guide my client through a meditative process to access their past lives. This type of regression is based upon the work by Dr. Brian Weis. Please see the section on Past Life Regression. If a client prefers to have information provided to them, I will channel the angels and a story is given detailing the past life. I prefer the regression session because it is more organic for my client. The client taps in emotionally and connects more deeply to the past life. This organic, emotional experience does not always happen when a past life is told/read to my client. However, both experiences can be very powerful.


Spiritual Counsel/Mentoring facilitated by the angels and ascended masters. Please see the section Spiritual Counsel/Mentoring I am not a licensed therapist. The counsel given during a session is from the angels and ascended masters. This work can be very powerful and healing. I’ve witnessed incredible miracles with my clients.


Paranormal Investigation ~ Hauntings. Investigate, clear and bless homes, land, and places of business that have entities or energy attached. I have encountered many earthbound spirits that inhabit homes, land, businesses, and offices. There is always a reason why an earthbound spirit has chosen to stay on this earth plane. It is one of my passions to work with earthbound spirits and offer them assistance and provide an opportunity to cross into the light. Please see the section Paranormal Investigation & Hauntings.


Reiki – energy therapy, chakra clearing and balancing, and crystal therapy. I am a certified Reiki Master. Reiki is energy therapy used to calm, balance and uplift your body and spirit throughout the session and beyond. Through Reiki, universal energy is channeled by Corinne, allowing you to receive divine energy for healing and wholeness. This soothing, healing energy works on sources of blockage to create balance in the individual. Reiki may be applied hands on or long distance. Corinne also uses crystal therapy during her sessions to open chakras. Based upon the different properties of the crystals, various crystals are used to aid in healing and bringing about awareness of any energy blockages. These techniques work for long distance sessions as well as in person sessions.


Pet Therapy, Communication and Grief. I communicate with pets that have transitioned. This can bring tremendous healing to the animals owner.  I also work with living pets that have medical and emotional issues. I give them a voice that I share with their owner. Please see the section Pet Therapy, Communcation and Grief.


Animal Totems. It is my belief that everything, all things are connected and have significance. There are no coincidences, no chance encounters or experiences. This holds true for encounters with animals. When an animal crosses your path there is significance to the encounter.  I work with my clients through meditation to ascertain your animal totem. We then determine the medicine or power the animal is bringing to you. Please see the section Animal Totems.


My business name is Paranormal Therapy. I chose this name as it is my intention that my clients may have experiences that are facilitated by the Divine guidance of angels, the Holy Spirit, and ascended masters in bringing about a healing, beneficial, calming, and, hopefully, enjoyable experience! I am not a licensed therapist. I define the term “spiritual counsel and mentoring” to mean: I am guided by the angels, the Holy Spirit, and ascended masters in providing guidance, direction, suggestions, encouragement, and support for my clients.


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