Paranormal Investigation and Hauntings

I have brought together a team of paranormal investigators to assist clients in clearing their dwelling of entities. We are different from most paranormal investigating teams because my team consists of mediums like myself. We use paranormal investigating equipment for the benefit of our clients as it may show scientific evidence of the existence of the entities. As mediums, we communicate directly with the entity to hear their story as to why they remain earthbound. We offer them assistance with their transition to the other side (heaven).  We have had some cases where an entity did not want to leave and at that point we demand they leave the space. In most cases, they leave the space never to return. We had one case where the human called back entities to the home. Another case that did not remain clear involved a home being built on a burial ground.  We travel anywhere there is someone in need.


There are various types of hauntings. I would like to focus on haunted dwellings in which an entity, spirit or ghost inhabits a structure. Entity, spirit and ghost are three of the most commonly used terms to describe who or what may be haunting a place. They are basically the same thing; they are energy. Simply put, humans are made up of energy. When someone transitions or dies, energy does not stop being energy; it has to go someplace. So where does the energy go? I believe that the energy shifts to another plane. For my purpose here, I will not go into great detail about where souls may go when they leave their earthly body. I do believe that we may transition to another plane, whether you want to call it heaven, the other world, the other side, or whatever reference makes you comfortable.


I believe the soul leaves our earthly body upon death and can transition to heaven. There are some souls/people who do not wish to immediately transition to heaven as they may have unfinished business here on earth. There are countless scenarios as to why a spirit doesn’t transition to heaven. There are those who choose to stay to be sure their loved ones are all right. Some may be fearful about how they lived their life and do not wish to face whatever judgment they think awaits them on the other side. I by no means have all the answers as to why spirits choose to remain earthbound.  I will share with you a couple of stories of recent hauntings that I had the honor of being a part of.



Truckee Hotel, Truckee, California

I was privileged to be a guest investigator of a paranormal investigation team at the Truckee Hotel in Truckee, California. The Truckee Hotel has a long history of paranormal activity. There has been a great deal of violence and death in the hotel. There is a story of a little girl who died in the Truckee Hotel, and some allege she was murdered.  The little girl allegedly died in a bath tub. Upon entering the bathroom where the little girl died, I felt tremendous pain, sorrow and heaviness. I shared this with my fellow investigators who also felt heaviness in the bathroom. One of the investigators asked if I would be willing to get into the tub; I did and saw a little girl peeking at us from around the corner.  I asked her name and she said her name was Sarah. She said she was looking for her mother. Sometimes when there is a violent or sudden death, the spirit is not aware that they have died. Sarah didn’t want to leave the hotel because she was still looking for her mother there.


I had been communicating with Sandra, another little girl spirit who had been murdered about six months prior to this investigation and had not been ready to cross over. She had unfinished business surrounding the trial of the suspect of her murder. She also was watching over her family and friends. That night at the Truckee Hotel Sandra came to me to offer assistance to Sarah. I watched the two little girls unite. Sarah was comforted by Sandra and they walked off together hand-in-hand. They did not cross into the light that night, but they found comfort in one another.



Vacation home, Pebble Beach, California

One of the most significant hauntings, as far as paranormal activity, took place at my client’s vacation home. The activity ranged from slamming doors, to smoke detectors going off when there was no smoke, to hearing my name come through a spirit box. I will start at the beginning. I was asked to clear the house as it was to be put on the market for sale. I walked in with my clients, and the energy in the foyer was so heavy that it felt as if I was walking through cement. I knew this house was going to take a lot of work to clear. I did a walk through first with my client’s adult son. I light white candles at the exit points (doors) of a home before I start to do a clearing. I learned this from James Van Praagh. The idea is to send the energy from within the house to the white light candles which absorb energy. As I was lighting the candles Steve (not his real name) heard a voice tell him to “light Corinne’s hair on fire. It would be funny!” Thank goodness Steve did not listen to the voice. One of the candles caught a wood shutter on fire. There was no way the candle could have lit the shutter on fire on its own because I placed it far away for the shutter. I was standing in the hallway, and a little girl spirit named Jessie told me to turn around. When I turned around I saw the shutter was on fire and ran to put it out. Thank goodness for Jessie, because we had no intention of going in that room for quite a while. If it wasn’t for Jessie, who knows what damage would have been done by the fire. This was just the beginning of a very long day and evening.  Doors slammed shut when there was no possible way for them to close on their own. I always look for a logical explanation to any activity, but there were no drafts or open windows to cause the doors to slam. The smell of cigarette smoke would come and go in the bathroom and hallway, but no one on the investigation team smoked cigarettes. We heard something metallic crash on the tile floor of a closet. When we got to the closet, a tool box was open and a metal tray from the tool box was on the floor. No one was close to the closet when the incident occurred.


I have a spirit box that scans radio frequencies at 3-5 second intervals. This box allows a spirit to use the radio frequency to communicate; you can hear words come through the spirit box when an entity is communicating. I cannot begin to count how many spirits came through the spirit box that day. I had never had that level of spirit box activity before. I created white light out on the garden patio so the entities could go into the light and cross into heaven. Countless spirits crossed that day and evening. As the evening was coming to a close, I was guided (by angels) to go to the kitchen. I placed the spirit box on the kitchen table as we sat down at the table for a break. My name came through the spirit box very loudly and clearly. This is a bit unusual since the level of white noise generated by the box can obscure what is being said by a spirit and the frequency with which the box scans makes it almost impossible to hear a two syllable name like Corinne clearly. I looked around the table and asked if anyone had said my name; they had not. Then we heard my name again; it was the voice of an entity that had been trying to intimidate us all day. I was guided to bring a large white candle and place it in the center of the table. When I began to strike a paper match from the matchbook it came out of my hand, and was torn perfectly in half with the upper portion lighting. It looked as if someone had used scissors to cut the match in half. I have never had that experience before or since. It was another attempt to intimidate so we would stop clearing the house. The intimidation did not work; we kept going.


I slept that night in the allegedly most haunted bedroom. I had heard the claims of people not being able to sleep in the room as a dark male shadow figure would stare at you all night and made the room feel creepy. I need to see something for myself before I believe the stories. Well, I got my wish. The covers were pulled off of me, a spirit sat on the bed and I felt the depression it made several times during the night. I turned on the light to be sure it wasn’t someone from the investigation team; no one was there. I felt someone touching me all night long, and one entity played with my eye lids and another sat on my chest. I also heard footsteps in the room all night. Now I understood why people could not sleep there.


The next day we completed the house clearing, and it felt so much better than when we first arrived. I was exhausted and was, quite honestly, grateful to be leaving. It truly was an exciting clearing as I had never experienced that level of tangible activity before.



Vacation Home, Truckee, California

Another haunting was very intriguing to me. I was introduced to a woman who owns three properties. Over a six month period she had a flood, or some type of water damage, in all of her properties. When I met Jane (not her real name), I knew it was not a coincidence that her properties had been flooded. I asked if she wanted to understand what was behind the floods, and she did want to know what was going on. We agreed to meet at her vacation home. First, I did a walk through of her home to get a feel for the house. We walked into a guest room, and I immediately felt an oppressive energy and then I felt sick to my stomach. I asked her about the room, and she said she never goes in there because she had a bad feeling and was afraid. I believe people are more intuitive than they give themselves credit for, as she had a good reason to feel that way about the room. There was an entity in the room hiding in the closet, which also had a doorway that accessed a crawl space. Some entities like to hide in closets, and especially in a dark crawl space.

 I suggested we go outside to get some fresh air, stand among the pine trees in the yard, and soak in some sunshine. I suggested going outside to ground my client’s energy as much as possible before I told her what I felt in her house. Trees and sunlight are great for helping you become grounded, and Jane was extremely fearful of whatever was in her house.


I pray with my clients before I begin a session or work in a home. I pray for the highest good and healing for everyone, including the earthbound spirits. I ask for my angels and guides to assist me and to surround my clients and me with love and light. I also make sure I am completely grounded. I give my clients the choice of using essential oils: Grounding and/or Peace and Calming. As the names indicate, they help me and my clients become grounded and calm.


As we stood outside, I told Jane she had two entities in the closet - a more oppressive feeling entity and a lighter entity. I asked her if she felt ready to go back inside because I wanted to find out who the entity was and why it was there. We went inside and sat at her dining table. The two spirits came forward. One was a loving family member who enjoyed being with Jane, and visiting her once in a while. The second entity was a gruff, evasive man; Jane knew exactly who he was by the description I was giving her. This man, Dave, had a strong tie to Jane. He did not want to let her go, even after death. She had felt this strong tie for many years. I could see an etheric, very strong silver cord that attached the two of them at their hearts, and I suggested cutting this cord in order to let go of this man. However, Jane wasn’t ready to cut the cord.


Even though she emotionally did not want to sever the tie between them, Jane didn’t want him hanging out in her home either. He had been trying to get her attention for years, and the activity in her home was escalating. She heard noises and felt a presence, and was unable to sleep, especially if she was alone. I suggested that he should leave her home. Jane said she wanted him gone, but it was clear she wasn’t yet ready to let him go completely. It would do absolutely no good for me to send him out of her house, if she was going to turn around and later allow him back in. I told her that if she genuinely wanted him gone from her home, she had to be strong and firmly tell him to leave her house immediately and never return. We asked him to leave, and he did leave for a little while.


Jane left the vacation home for about a month; when she returned, Dave was back, and this time he was more assertive in getting her attention. She felt his presence everywhere and was afraid to be alone in her home, even during the day. I walked into her garage and felt the oppressive energy even before I entered the house. Once inside, Dave’s oppressive energy was huge. I understood why Jane couldn’t sleep.


We spent a great deal of time talking about the relationship she had had with Dave. He had so much he wanted to say to Jane. He had died suddenly of a heart attack 25 years ago. He never got a chance to tell her how much he loved her, and he was sorry for how he had treated her. After a couple of hours facilitating communication between the two of them, Jane was ready to release Dave. I always suggest cutting an emotional or etheric cord as it can drain a person’s energy. The charge of the cord between Jim and Jane was so strong, having been attached before  Dave had even died. I asked Jane to visualize taking a pair of scissors and severing the cord. I told her that holding on to this cord was not helping either of them. Dave and Jane were both still holding on to a love for over 25 years, but this measure of time is an earthly concept that doesn’t have the same value for Dave that it had for Jane as there was no concept of time for Dave.


Dave was not moving forward in his journey; he was following Jane’s earthly life, and Jane wasn’t moving forward with her life either. A part of what I do is counseling or paranormal therapy. I receive Divine guidance from the angels and ascended masters in which my client and the deceased entity receive counseling. In the case with Dave and Jane, they were both shown how holding on to their relationship and not moving forward was not appropriate for either one, and was not healthy for Jane.


Jane was ready to sever the cord. I told her she would have to be firm and release him with strong conviction to the light. Jane severed the cord; she was ready to release Dave and allow him to cross into the light. Dave was reluctant cross over, to go into the light, so I asked for Archangel Michael to help him cross over. I watched Dave, with Archangel Michael by his side, slowly move toward the light. I told Jane not to waiver at all as she encouraged him to go to the light. Dave finally crossed over into the light. I watched as loved ones, and angels encouraged him and walked beside him as he made his way completely into the light. It was incredibly beautiful to watch. It was done.


We took a break because we still needed to figure out why her aunt was still hanging around. We sat on her back deck and her aunt joined us - so much for a break. Jane’s Aunt Lisa (not her real name) said she hadn’t crossed over because she was too busy with the work she was doing here. Jane said that sounded like her aunt; always busy and taking care of everybody else. I asked her what work she had to do, but she didn’t answer. She just restated that she was very busy. Jane mentioned that Lisa had lost her son in a rock climbing accident when he was16. Lisa said she shouldn’t have let him go; she felt responsible for his death and was very upset. I told her that it had been her son’s time to die; she got quiet. I told her that he had completed what he came here to do; Lisa was still listening. I said she absolutely was not responsible for her son’s death, and that it wasn’t helping anyone to take on that responsibility and guilt. I told Jane we needed to encourage Lisa to cross into the light. Both Jane and I told her to look for her son on the other side (heaven), and also see the angels around her that would take her into the light. Jane told her that her work was done, her family was fine, and it was time to go to the light. Lisa was surrounded by angelic light and her son was waiting for her. She walked toward her son, and together they disappeared into the light. The beauty, serenity, and all-encompassing feeling of love is indescribable. What an honor to be a witness to the journey of crossing over.


Jane had assisted two people she loved in crossing over into the light, and it now was time to clean up, so to speak. I always bring a sage stick/bundle with me to cleanse and move the energy/air. It is believed that sage not only purifies the air but does not allow negative or dark entities to return. Jane and I went from room to room clearing her space, and releasing to the Diving for healing any residual energy or entity that may have remained. I knew Dave and Lisa had left, but I wanted to be sure that nothing else had come in. We each carried the smoking sage and cleansed and prayed throughout her home in every nook and cranny. Jane took back her home with power and conviction. What an amazing day.


Consultant for Truckee’s Historic Haunted Tour 2014

  I was hired to go to the various locations of the historic haunted tour in downtown Truckee to connect with the ghosts and allow them to tell their story. These stories were to be incorporated into the scripts that the docents perform. It was such an honor to be asked to be a part of this.

  I had helped one of the docents in 2011 and 2012 connect with the spirits at the location she was to perform in. She had had encounters with the spirits in 2011 and was frightened by the activity. I went to the location, the historic Truckee Jail and spoke with the inhabitants who had lived in the mid to late 1800’s. They wanted their story told and respected.  One of the ghosts was Constable Jake Teeter. He said, “We are not here for your amusement or entertainment. What happened here was painful and serious. You need to respect what went on here.” The docent rewrote the script quoting Constable Teeter word for word.  So many times an earthbound spirit (ghost) just wants their story told and it is one of the reasons they remain earthbound. As I was channeling the spirits, and they were able to tell their story, I suggested they need not remain earthbound. Many chose to cross into the light!


 For information on the tour:




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