Consultant for Truckee's Historic Haunted Tour 2014

I was hired to go to the various locations of the historic haunted tour in downtown Truckee to connect with the ghosts and allow them to tell their story. These stories were to be incorporated into the scripts that the docents perform. It was such an honor to be asked to be a part of this.


I had helped one of the docents in 2011 and 2012 connect with the spirits at the location she was to perform in. She had had encounters with the spirits in 2011 and was frightened by the activity. I went to the location, the historic Truckee Jail and spoke with the inhabitants who had lived in the mid to late 1800’s. They wanted their story told and respected.  One of the ghosts was Constable Jake Teeter. He said, “We are not here for your amusement or entertainment. What happened here was painful and serious. You need to respect what went on here.” The docent rewrote the script quoting Constable Teeter word for word.  So many times an earthbound spirit (ghost) just wants their story told and it is one of the reasons they remain earthbound. As I was channeling the spirits, and they were able to tell their story, I suggested they need not remain earthbound. Many chose to cross into the light!


 For information on the tour:


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