Frequently Asked Questions

How did I get started?


My maternal grandmother and my mother had intuitive abilities. This was a taboo subject we did not talk about so I ignored my intuitive abilities for a very long time. I had an encounter with a physical angel. Please see full story in My Journey with the Angels. In the early 1980’s my 18 year old sister was diagnosed with a brain tumor. I was at the hospital with her the night before her surgery. A nurse named April was on duty. I was absolutely distraught about the impending surgery. April saw the look of concern on my face; she told me everything would be fine and hugged me. I had an overwhelming sense of calm fill my body as she hugged me, and in that moment, I knew my sister would be alright. After my sister came out of surgery I went back to the nurse’s station where we had been the night before and asked to speak with Nurse April. The nurse on duty said there was no nurse April. I argued with the nurse, and she emphatically insisted there was no nurse with that name who worked in the hospital! I walked away feeling bewildered. Then I heard clearly, “I am an angel.” It was the voice of April. I looked around but there was no one there. I felt that calm flow through my body once again. I thanked April for her help. My sister survived the surgery.


I know anyone can have an experience like I had with Angel April. For me, it was the first time I heard clearly an audible angelic voice.


This next experience thrust me into spirit communication: In 1998 I had a family member come to me who had recently been murdered. He wished to give a message to family members that he was alright. This was the start of my opening to communicating with souls (spirits) who have transitioned (passed on).




What are your gifts?


I am a medium. I have clairaudient and clairsentient abilities. Clairaudient means

I am able to hear a spirit, and clairsentient means I am able to feel the emotions of a spirit. I can sometimes see a spirit, which is clairvoyant. I am also an empath, which means I can feel the spirit. As an empath I feel at a very deep level the emotions of spirit and people still living. I am not a trance medium; I do not allow an entity to overtake my body. I am fully conscious when I channel a spirit.





How did you learn to communicate with people who have died?


In the beginning, the spirits came to me. I heard their voice. At first, I was overwhelmed with spirit activity. They mostly came to me at night, and I was unable to sleep. I needed to understand what was happening and how to manage my abilities. I began reading books by James Van Praagh. James is a medium who communicates with those who have transitioned (passed on). I learned a great deal from his books. For the first time, I did not feel alone, I knew there was someone else who had walked this path too, and not only that, he was willing to talk about his abilities through media.




Who do you work with?


I work with angels, ascended masters, the Holy Spirit, and my guides. All my work is through the assistance of the angels, masters, Holy Spirit, and guides. I call them in with every session. They are my beautiful Divine guides.




Do you work with the light or the dark?


I only align and work with the Light; the Light being God, angels, and ascended masters. I encounter dark energy/entities in my work. However, I do not align with the dark.



Who or what are ascended masters?


The definition depends upon whom you listen to. One of my wonderful teachers is Doreen Virtue. Her definition of an ascended master is: “A great spiritual teacher or healer who walked upon the Earth as a human, and who continues to help … from his or her heavenly home,” Archangels & Ascended Masters, Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mother Mary, Saint Germaine, Saint Francis are just a few considered to be ascended masters.



What is an archangel?


Once again, I will quote Dr. Doreen Virtue: “A powerful overseer of other angels, and a manager of specialized functions, such as clearing away fear, protecting humans, or healing. Different religions and spiritual groups talk about different numbers of archangels. Some groups claim there are only four, some say seven, and other groups say there are an infinite number,” Archangels & Ascended Masters, Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.




What is a guardian angel?


A guardian angel is your personal angel. The guardian angel has been with you since you were created. Your guardian angel never leaves your side. Your guardian angel guides you and protects you.



What type of work do you do?


• Spirit communication with loved ones who have transitioned.


 • Angel and Ascended Master readings. I communicate with the angels and  ascended masters on your behalf. I channel at my computer prior to your session  and type word for word whatever message the angels and ascended masters  have for you. I will also provide the name of your guardian angel. Then we meet,  or have our telephone session and discuss the angel and ascended master  reading. The angels and masters always come through during the session. I then  provide you with written information about the angels and ascended masters who  came through for you.


 • Past life regression and readings. My past life regression sessions are  guided meditation sessions in which I guide my client through a meditative  process to access their past lives. This type of regression is based upon the work  by Dr. Brian Weis. (Please see the section on Past Life.) If a client prefers to  have information provided to them, I will channel the angels and a story is given  detailing the past life. I prefer the regression sessions because it is more organic  for my client as they tap into emotionally and connect more deeply to their past  life. This organic, emotional experience does not always happen when I tell/read  the past life story to my client. However, both experiences can be very powerful.


 • Spiritual counseling/mentoring facilitated by the angels and ascended  masters. I am not a licensed therapist. The counsel given during a session is  from the angels and ascended masters. This work is very powerful and healing.  I’ve witnessed incredible miracles with my clients.


• Paranormal Investigation. Please see section on Hauntings & Paranormal Investigation. I clear and bless homes, land, and places of business that have entities or energy attached. I have encountered many earthbound spirits that inhabit homes, land, businesses, and offices. There is always a reason why an earthbound spirit has chosen to stay on this earth plane. It is one of my passions to work with earthbound spirits and offer them assistance and provide an opportunity to cross into the light.


 • Pet communication. I communicate with pets that have transitioned. I also  work with living pets that have medical and emotional issues. I give them a voice  that I share with their owner.



Do you predict the future?


I prefer not to predict the future; however, there have been circumstances where I have been given information that will assist my clients in making decisions about the future, but I am generally not given specific details. For example, I have been asked if my client will meet their future mate. I will be given an answer but not details as to when, where, or how they will meet or what they look like.



What is your rate?


I charge $130 per hour.



Do you do telephone sessions?


Yes. I have a conference call number in which I am able to record our session and my client can then download. I can also do a Skype session.



Will you travel?


Yes. I have numerous clients throughout the country and internationally.


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