Animal Totems

It is my belief that everything, all things are connected and have significance. There are no coincidences, no chance encounters or experiences. This holds true for encounters with animals. When an animal crosses your path there is significance to the encounter. The book Animal Speak - The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small by Ted Andrews is a beautiful book detailing the connection we have to the animals. I am so grateful to have his book as a resource. This is the book I use whenever I cross paths with an animal so that I may have a deeper understanding of the significance of our encounter.


Everyone has their own personal animal totem(s). An animal totem is an animal that you feel personally drawn to or associate with by their behavior, characteristics, and energy. The animal also has their own “medicine” or power. Their characteristics and activities will tell you much about their powers and abilities. Animal totems may come in for a time to assist you or may stay as a lifelong friend.  You also receive new animal totems throughout your life.


Coyote is one of my totems. I had felt drawn to coyote as a child. I did not physically encounter coyote until I moved from the city to the mountains as an adult.  I cross paths with coyote often. Some of the many characteristics that coyote has to teach are wisdom, simplicity, trust, and the ability to adapt. Whenever I cross paths with coyote I feel grateful that he showed himself to me and I ask him what I need to know.


It is a great honor to assist clients in becoming aware of their totem animal(s). I will take you through a meditative process in which you may meet your totem animal and begin the journey of communicating with your totem animal and understanding what your animal has to teach you. This is a very beautiful and sacred personalized journey.






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