Angels & Angel Stories



Angels are God’s helpers or assistants who are sent to help creation. They are God’s messengers who assist us on our journey. To put it quite simply, they are here to help us. Angels would like to make it clear that they are not to be worshipped and do not usurp God’s power or glory. They do appreciate gratitude for their assistance.


Our Creator gave us free will and therefore, angels will not intervene unless called upon with one exception.  The only time they will intervene without being called upon is to save us from a situation such as a car accident that may end our life before it is our time to go. Angels have attributes or personalities and specialties. For example, Archangel Michael is a protector. If you have fear call on Michael and he will be there to assist you. Actually, Archangel Michael is so much more than a protector. Entire books are written just on Archangel Michael. It is really quite simple; all we have to do is think or say out loud that you need help and instantly you will have the assistance of an angel.


Angel Stories


Here is an example of one of my experiences with Archangel Michael. I was driving on a busy freeway and had an uneasy feeling. I asked the angels for help. I was guided to change from the fast lane into the slow lane. Traffic was moving at about 55 mph. All of a sudden the cars ahead of me came to a stop! I had noticed that there was a motorcycle starting to merge into my lane from the right, and heavy traffic was in the lane to my left.  I knew if I slammed on my brakes, the car behind me would hit my car. Then my steering wheel moved and turned the car to the right missing the motorcycle. The cars behind me slammed on their brakes and would have hit my car had my car not turned into the right lane. My son was in the car and said, “Good job. How did you do that?” I turned to him and said, “I didn’t. It wasn’t me who turned the steering wheel. It was Michael.” My son knew I was talking about Archangel Michael – I talk about him all the time. A potentially fatal car accident was averted because I had asked the angels for help. I didn’t specify which one was to help me. I just asked for help. I thanked Archangel Michael for helping not only me but everyone who may have been affected by the accident.


I had the opportunity to work with a woman who dropped by to pick up her son who had spent the day with my son. Her life had become very challenging for well over a year. As I sat and listened to her story, I kept getting the idea to tell her about the angels. I didn’t know if she was spiritual or had a belief in God or angels. I don’t like to push my beliefs on anyone. Finally, I couldn’t ignore the angel that kept telling me to tell her about angels. I asked her if she believed in angels. She said she wasn’t sure. I gently suggested that she call upon the angels to assist her with the challenges she faced. I told her that the angels were there to help her at any time, and any place. The next day she called me. She was blown away by what she had experienced after she left my home. As she drove home, she heard the name Michael in her head three separate times that night. She thought perhaps she was crazy, hearing a voice in her head. She didn’t think much more about it. When she went to bed that night, she heard what sounded like the wings of a massive bird fluttering in her room. Knowing that a bird could not be in her room, she turned on the light and saw Archangel Michael standing in her room. His wingspan took up the entire width of her room. He stood with a magnificent sword, muscular physique, and long hair. She intuitively knew this was an angel. She said that when I told her about angels, she pictured the little, four inch, cherub-like angels that you see in artwork that flit around your shoulders. I told her the angel that came to her in her room was the magnificent Archangel Michael. I call him the rock star of archangels. True to Michael’s personality, he showed himself to her in a huge way, so there would be no mistaking that he was Archangel Michael in all his glory and beauty! Not all angels reveal themselves in such a big way. But my friend needed to see that her idea of an angel didn’t exactly match Archangel Michael. She needed to see him.


The next day my friend was experiencing anxiety as she went jogging. Once again, Michael appeared to her this time riding a white stallion. My friend was quite surprised that he would appear to her again and on a horse! Michael’s response to her questioning was so typical of Michael, he said, “What? Even Archangels get tired!” My friend laughed and continued jogging without the anxiety she had experienced a moment before. Since that encounter she calls on Archangel Michael to help her.


Guardian angels:

I was asked by a client if everyone has a guardian angel. Absolutely, everyone has at least one guardian angel. Guardian angels are assigned to one person/one soul. They are with you at all times and throughout lifetimes. It is their joy and purpose to serve. Many people aren’t aware that they have guardian angels. People do not have to have a conscious awareness of their guardian angel. Their guardian angel can guide through the little voice you hear, your intuition. They may impress a feeling upon you such as a warning to not go down a dangerous street.  It is such an honor to introduce clients to their guardian angels; sharing their name and a description of their personality or attributes and physical characteristics.











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